
Give the gift of good sleep.

It’s simple really. By collaborating with us as either a passionate traveller or a focussed accommodation provider, you can support the Score-A-Bed Foundation in its mission to provide the homeless or those in bed poverty with a good night’s sleep.

Donate with JustGiving.Pay with Mastercard, Visa, American express, PayPal, Apple Pay or Direct Debit.

The Score a Bed Foundation is a Micro-Trust of GivingWorks | Charity Number – 1078770

Understanding the way we work.

Bed poverty is a crisis not just an issue. It affects families or individuals who do not have the appropriate amount of bedding for themselves and their children or an acceptable quality of bedding.


Poor sleep & health

It’s common knowledge that poor sleep affects physical and mental health. Imagine how much worse the effects are if you’re living in bed poverty or are homeless and unable to sleep safely at all.


Contributions to someone in need

Travellers booking hotels through our affiliate websites or rating accommodation on our platform are able to make contributions that will go directly to those who need it. Whether it’s giving a homeless individual a bed for the night or helping provide better bedding for those in poverty, your contribution helps.


Focus on small charities

Ten percent of any profits made through the Score-A-Bed business feeds straight back into our foundation. The Score-A-Bed Foundation proudly works with smaller charities that are currently unable to receive the same funding as larger Non-Governmental Organisations.


Support your local area

The Foundation will also promote ways in which you can help support charities in your local area who work with the homeless. Whether you are a customer with us or not, you’ll still be able to make a donation to the Foundation should you wish.

Donate with JustGiving.Pay with Mastercard, Visa, American express, PayPal, Apple Pay or Direct Debit.

The Score a Bed Foundation is a Micro-Trust of GivingWorks | Charity Number – 1078770


Give the gift of good sleep.